Hi there! My name is Amber Hodges, and I am the mother to three wild little boys that I adore...most days. Some days I want to maim them. Rhett is 7 years old, speaks Spanish and loves everything sports. He plays them all, watches them all, talks about all of them, and thinks I am the worlds meanest mom because I won't let him play football.
Larsen is 3 and is his own breed of human. He loves pink and bubbles and snuggling. He has the longest eyelashes on the planet, and they save his life regularly. He is mischievous, and sneaky, and oddly enough insanely polite.
Baylor is our baby and everyone's favorite. He is arguably the most giant child you will ever see. He has big blue eyes and a permagrin that will melt your heart. Baylor is always happy, and starting to develop a bit of a sassy side, the mystery of where he gets that is still unsolved.

I grew up the oldest of five kids in Northern Utah. I tumbled, cheered, played softball and was a closet nerd until junior year of high school. My mom discovered my binder where I hid all my writing while I was at school one day, and called me on my geek status. Soon thereafter, I was named the English Sterling Scholar and furthered that road at Weber State University where I graduated with a degree in creative writing. I then got a communications degree, and after deciding I couldn't do anything with those, found myself in the classroom teaching English. I have taught for 9 years, and I love it every day. I have a myriad of hobbies. They include cooking, sewing, piano, music, working out, sports, travel, reading, blogging, and trying new things that don't include nature. I love the Yankees, the Utah Jazz, and playing softball with Dewy. I always start new ventures and find myself getting caught up in the challenge, which is something I thoroughly enjoy. I run a small business where I sell bow ties, and I love everything about it. I am loud, and sassy, high maintenance, and opinionated, and keep my local beverage shop afloat with my purchases of diet dr pepper.
Instagram: @amberhodges22
Etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/LipsticknLegos
Email: amberhodges22@gmail.com Let's Collab!
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