Saturday morning we sent the men back to the mountain, and we made our way to Park City to meet up with another hunter widow and bestie, Heather. Stop number one: pedicures. Now, I get pedicures pretty regularly because I'm high maintenance, and I'm here to tell you that this was literally the best pedicure I've ever had. The woman was a dream come true. 45 minutes into my foot massage--thats right, not even the nail care portion of my pedicure was counted in that 45 minutes--I asked her how she felt about coming home with me. The sweet Asian lady replied that she felt good about it once I promised that I was a good cook. She obviously didn't take me seriously, and I felt like pushing the issue would get me flagged for human trafficking.
We went to lunch--me wearing my foam flip flops from the salon shamelessly--and then hit up the outlets. I am perfectly ok with admitting that we caused some damage during our shopping escapades. I would also like to issue a formal apology to Zac at the VANS store and Alex at Under Armour for our shenanigans they had to endure. Let it be known that both were champs about it. A pit stop at Coldstone for ice cream--Marcia got in touch with her inner child there--and we were headed back to the cabin for the night. When the men arrived, Dewy asked me how much I spent. His concern was valid, but I replied that, "I didn't spend nearly as much as I could have! I almost bought an Asian!" and the look of sheer horror was enough to deter the conversation to other topics. More food, Friends episodes, laughing, and sleep, and before we knew it reality slapped us right in the face. I was back to getting sippy cups of chocolate milk, coloring supplies, laundry, and baths, but for a brief moment I forgot all those existed.
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