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A week ago I was presented with a video that, quite frankly, disgusted me.  I was offended and super angry, but I also recognized that not every person would have had the same reaction to that video.  I shared it with a few people, gauged reactions, asked for honest opinions, and learned a significant amount about how people view public education, teachers, etc.  I always love hearing different points of view, and although I may not always agree, I am always intrigued by what makes people believe what they do. 

Anyway... The video bugged me for days. I feel like people have some really strong opinions about education and the right and wrongs ways to do it--myself included--but the overall delivery of this message really got under my skin.  I'm not going to share the link here, because I don't want to waste my energy.  For a week now I've been annoyed, but this morning my mind switched. 

I have taught for nine years.  Almost an entire decade.  I get friend requests from former students and they are holding babies in their profile pictures.  My initial reaction is always, "Oh shoot... she got knocked up." because I have that little faith in people apparently.  Then I'm floored when I realize they are 23 years old, married, and have a family.  What the... I am not old enough for that.  I see them in the store, at restaurants, they wait on me at fiiz.  And it doesn't matter how long it's been, my heart instantly swells a little every single time.  Even if it is a kid I couldn't stand... and trust me... there are some I struggle with, but every time I get so excited to see them. 

So to set my own mind and heart at ease, I'm sharing THIS video.  THIS video shares my views on education and teaching.  THIS video conveys how I feel about my job.  THIS video explains the energy I put into my students.  THIS video gives all you outsiders an idea about how it feels to know one of your students is sleeping outside in November because they are homeless, one of them is being abused in all varieties, one of them just lost a sibling to cancer, and one of them just took their own life.  And all of that is happening at the same time.   Don't you dare come at me and tell me I don't care enough, try hard enough, teach the right material, and that I'm only here for the data.  Because I will throw this video right in your face.   Courage up.  Pull the cords out of your ears and grab a freaking pencil because we are doing this. 


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