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whatcha reading wednesday.

Shatter Me 
By: Tahereh Mafi
This book is about a girl who has a blessing/curse of not being able to touch people.  If she makes physical contact with another person, she electrocutes and kills them.  I know, I know... it sounds weird.  Trust me on this one.  A certain corrupt government found out about her gift when she killed a small child while trying to save him from his abusive mother, and threw her in to prison. They offer her the chance for freedom from the prison walls if she cooperates and acts as their weapon.  She breaks free and spends the remainder of the book on the run trying to hide, while also trying to figure out how to be in a romantic relationship.  The story line is intense, but the thing about this book that I loved the most is the way it is written.  The pages are loaded with words that have a strike through in them, as if you were watching the girl having an internal debate.  It is an amazing thematic element the author uses, and totally adds to the intensity and character development in the story.  This is the first book in the series, and I loved all three.  Buckle up for the wildest love triangle you've ever seen, and be aware that it gets a little steamy!

You Are a Badass
By: Jen Sincero

This is another of my favorite self help books! As you might have guessed, the book contains some language, so if that is something that offends you please steer clear.  This book is all about gaining all the confidence.  She talks about using things like faith, energy, and affirmations to improve where you need to improve and recognize that you are stronger than you think.  Her one liners are my favorite.  "Feed fear a suck-it sandwich!" She kills me.  This is a book I will read again and again, and if you are into audio books I recommend this one ten times more.  Jen Sincero reads the book, and for some reason when the author reads I am so much more intrigued.

For Everyone
By: Jason Reynolds

This book is a super fast read.  Like I'm talking you can finish it in 30 minutes max.  The entire book is written as a poem, which sounds weird but is super awesome if you give it a try.  The idea is all about following your dreams and being courageous.  It is an awesome feel good book for when you're feeling a little down and need a pick me up.  I want to keep a copy of it in my car for that exact reason.  This would be an awesome book to read with kids occasionally to help boost their ability to dream big.  "Dreams don't have timelines, deadlines, and aren't always in straight lines.  Jump anyway."


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