This was such a hit last time, and to be honest it was painful to stop once I got started, that I decided to do part two. You. Are. Welcome. For those of you who missed the last post, I get kind of cranky like once every four weeks or so, and feel the need to disband the popular notions that certain things are cool. Here we go... 1. Red Vines Let the record stand in showing that red vines taste like wax. They are not good, and they never were. Twizzlers should be your licorice of choice, but not the cherry kind. I'd argue that Nibs are just as bad as red vines. The only reason people pretend to like Reds Vines is because it reminds them of when their grandmother would give them a vine for a treat, which was dangerous for all dental work. Those things get stale and hard after like .34 seconds of air and could break your tooth with one fail chomp. Of course our grandparents drove our parents around without car seats or seat belts, s...