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everything hurts and i'm dying

One of the comments I hear regularly is "Come on... you don't seriously workout at 4am, do you?" Guess what? I do! Five days a week I work out at 4am, and on Saturday I usually sleep in until 5:30/6am before I go.  Now, let the record stand that I don't like mornings.  I am not a morning person, and Dewy will back me up on this.  In fact, when we were first married and he woke up singing it was almost a deal breaker.  Mornings are cold, and dark, and gross, BUT they set the tone for my entire day.  That means I want to get off on the right foot.

I've always enjoyed working out.  I go through phases where I prefer running to lifting or classes to free weights, but regardless I enjoy a good workout.  I like pushing myself and getting sweaty.  It gives me more energy, and mentally I feel better about myself.  Nothing drives me more insane then hearing people complain about getting in shape or losing weight and then refusing to do anything about it.

"I don't have the time to exercise."

"I would workout, but I don't know what to do when I go to the gym."

"It's too hard!"

You're right! Exercise and eating right is hard, but you know what? So is not liking yourself.  I don't have any more hours in the day than anyone else.  I'm busy, and tired.  I have a job, and kids, and a husband, and a house to maintain, and I participate in church responsibilities.  And THAT is why I wake up at 4:00--if I don't, then it won't get done.  If it is important to me, then I find a way.  If it isn't, I will make up excuses.  I have found that there are a handful of things that make getting out of bed to go exercise easier, and because I'm the nicest human ever, I'll share them with you.

1. Get some accountability.
For some people this can be done internally.  In one of the first chapters of the book Girl, Wash Your Face Rachel Hollis says to stop breaking promises to yourself.  If you promise yourself you are going to workout, then do it! You don't break promises to other people, so why are you breaking them to yourself?  I don't have enough self motivation for this to apply to me.  I need extrinsic motivation, so I hired Ryan!
Core Personal Fitness is a company that I will NEVER stop talking about.  When I first started going there, Ryan was a one man show.  Now there are multiple trainers, and I know all of them.  Having a trainer/nutritionist is scary and humbling.  Ryan has seen me through all my ups and downs.  He was there encouraging, coaching, and cheering me on when I got in the best shape of my life.  He was there encouraging, coaching, and cheering me on when I was pregnant with Baylor.  He is still there encouraging, coaching, and cheering me on as I work to get back to where I want to be.  Ryan is always ready with the pep talk I need and right when I need it.  He has never harped on the scale, but rather encourages fat loss and mental health improvement.  The environment at Core is welcoming, friendly, loving... it's a family.  If you are in need of accountability or even just encouragement, CALL THEM.  The website can be found HERE and they are offering all my friends half off of their first visit! Just print out the coupon here, and take it with you.  Thanks Core!

2. Get a new outfit.
This is basically my answer for everything in life.  I need to screen print it...or wear a sign. Never underestimate the power of a new workout outfit.  If I feel like I am getting in a rut, or it's just a Tuesday, I get a new workout outfit.  The amount of workout gear I have compared to regular clothing is embarrassing.  My favorite places to get compression pants, sports bras, and tops is Old Navy.  I also like Victoria Secret sports bras--cause we gotta lock those ladies down, am I right?
Sorry, Dad. I also love Adidas and Underarmour, and I've just been introduced to the KIAVA clothing company, and I am DIGGING their bottoms.  Hey all you workout clothing companies! If you wanted to send me free stuff to promote you, I wouldn't be mad... Can't blame a girl for trying.  Plus, if I'm going to falling over because my legs are jello-y and I'm walking like a newborn giraffe, I wanna look good doing it.

3. Join a gym.
Gyms can be SCARY.  Meat heads walking around with their chests puffed up and girls wearing nothing but a sports bra and spanx with JUICY written across their bottoms.  Super welcoming.  NEWS FLASH! Not all gyms are created equal.  Although the idea of childcare and LOADS of classes is enticing, Golds isn't the place for me.  I prefer something more low key and friendly.  I've had memberships to Lady Fitness, Planet Fitness, a rec center, and now SNAP fitness.  The three factors that contribute to my gym choice are cost, environment, and accessibility.  I'm not going to pay excessive amounts of money to attend a gym.  I also want to go there and see friendly faces.  One of the best parts about being a member of SNAP is the people.  The morning crew is the same bunch, and we have grown rather fond of each other.  We encourage each other, laugh at each other, help each other out, and notice when one of us is missing.  The group consists of long time friends and newfound ones. Having a tribe to meet you in the morning, makes waking up a little easier.  I also love that SNAP is open 24-7.  Lady Fitness hours made me want to tear my hair out.  I want to workout when I can, and that is rarely between 8-10am LADY FITNESS! I think the idea of a home gym would be awesome, but sometimes the easiness of that is detrimental.  My goal is to have the choice between both.

4. Figure out a routine.
This applies both to when you are going to go workout and what you do when you get there.   If you have a set day/time that you go to the gym, you are less likely to skip it.  You won't let things interrupt your time, and it's easier to get up and go.  Similarly, if you don't mentally prepare yourself with a routine upon arrival, it is harder to get up and going.  For example:
Monday--Arms, abs, and 45 minutes on the treadmill
Tuesday--Shoulders, abs, and 20 minutes of HIIT/sprints
Wednesday--Legs, abs, and 45 minutes on the treadmill
Thursday--Chest, abs, and 20 minutes of HIIT/sprints
Friday--Back, abs, and 45 minutes on the treadmill
Saturday--Legs, abs, and 20 minutes of HIIT/sprints

This is another thing that Core Personal Fitness is great for.  Every month I get a new set of workouts from Ryan.  This makes coming up with my routine easier, and the less I have to think, the better! Ryan listens to workouts I enjoy and ones I don't, and he takes into account my goals when forming those plans for me.  

I believe strongly in running with new ideas/dreams that pop into my head.  If getting in shape--whether it is physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually--is something you want to do, then get out of your own way and do it.  New Years is coming, and so are those resolutions.  Let's do it together! 


  1. I for real need to go to the gym with you. When will I stop making the excuse of not being a morning person????!!! I'm SO LAME!!


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