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these are a few of my favorite things...

I keep getting asked about certain things I use regularly, so I decided to share a few of them here and why I love them.  This post is not sponsored, but rather me yelling at you to buy in because they are awesome and you need them.  All of you.  Here we go.

1. Maybelline SUPERSTAY MATTE INK lipstick.

I love lipstick.  I think being overrun by boys makes me overcompensate with bold lipsticks and pencil skirts, but whatever.  I have UNHEALTHY amounts of lipstick, and have tried it all.  NYX? tried it.  Victoria Secret? that too.  Avon? of course.  And everything in between. A couple months ago, my dear friend turned me on to these, and I've never looked back.  I wish there were more color options, but I have at least found three I'm obsessed with.  I love these because they stay like lipsense, cost $6, and don't dry out my lips like other lip stains do. If you love shiny gloss, you're gonna need to add gloss on top because these are all kinds of matte finish.  I usually get mine at Walmart, but the Ulta link is right HERE.  Seriously, though.  Try it.

2. Windex Wipes

I've basically already born my testimony on these before here, but I'm not against doing it again.   YOU GUYS! These things are my saving grace when it comes to cleaning windows, mirrors, stainless steal, faucets, drawer pulls, etc.  You name it, I've probably wiped it down with a Windex wipe.  I feel like the guy on "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" was light years ahead of his time.  Also, bulk pack on Amazon makes it a win.  HERE you go. 

3. Protidiet High Protien Hot Chocolate

I grew up in a house with a mother who had hot chocolate running through her veins.  All the woman needed was hot chocolate, theater popcorn with extra butter, and a bath to be happy.  That meant that I also learned how to be super snotty when it came to hot chocolate.  If you even think for a second that I will drink that stuff you mix into water we can't be friends anymore.  I feel like you need all this back story so that you understand just how trustworthy my opinion is here.  I order this stuff on Amazon, (link HERE) and even drinking it every day I can get it to last at least 2 months.  It is high in protein which makes it perfect for me to mix up and drink on my way to work after a morning at the gym.  I heat up almond milk--which is way better than disgusting regular milk--and just add in the serving amount of my protidiet mix and away we go.  It's delicious, and you can thank me later.

4. Google Keep

Where are all my list lovers at?! I've used this app for years, and it keeps me sane and organized in a way that no other therapist or mountain of stationary could.  Google Keep is an app used to keep track of different lists.  I use it to make my grocery list, my to-do list for chores, my "don't forget" stuff, my random blog ideas, etc.  The layout looks like a bunch of sticky notes, which you can color code--be still my soul, and you can add check boxes to the list items which allows you to mark them off as you complete them.  There are few things more satisfying.  It is easily my most used app, and that is including social media.  In fact, I'm creating this list straight from my notes on Google Keep.

5. Shark DUOClean

I clean my floors about three times a day.  I wish I was kidding.  My kids are disgusting, I refuse to wear shoes and stepping in crumbs infuriates me faster than a back-talking seven year old.  When we built our house, I was super concerned about having to sweep my floors as often as I knew I was going to need to.  Enter the greatest vacuum on the planet.  Seriously you guys.  This thing is amazing.  It transitions from hardwood to carpet easier than I can sip on a beverage.  It is lightweight, has a handheld option, and my only complaint is that it doesn't have a self winding cord.  GET ONE OF THESE.  Link HERE!  Like yesterday.

Is it terrible if these lists are harder to make than the things I hate lists? Ha! Oh well.


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