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get out there gorgeous.

If you live in Utah, and you are a female, you know someone who sells Maskcara makeup.  I am pretty sure I can throw a rock and hit like three reps.  I give major props to anyone who does MLM sales.  I think I could be successful in sales, but I do not think I could be successful in that type of sales.

I've been offered makeovers and facials from countless friends involved in Maskcara products, and I always turned them down.  I'm committed to my drugstore cosmetics, thank you very much, and I like having my face two shades darker than my hands because there isn't an exact match for foundation.  A few years ago I graduated from my Walmart make up to NYX at Ulta--thanks Katlin for holding my hand on that one-and felt like such a grown up.  Look at me in the big girl beauty store! The only downside? All the cashiers are terrifying.  Tone down the judgement, Janet, I'm a contour virgin ok? Give me a minute.  And while we are at it, what the crap is shape tape from Tarte? I feel like I'm supposed to bear my testimony about it, but I just keep picturing that weird tape Kerri Walsh Jennings wears in sand volleyball.  Better yet, what the heck is Tarte althogether?

Have I adequately conveyed just how much my makeup knowledge is lacking? You guys... it gets worse.  I also suck at washing my face.  I use a wet wipe and call it good.  No moisturizing.  No cleanser.  I've tried about 100 times over to be better at this, but alas... no dice.  Like, how have I even made it to adulthood?

When Dewy and I moved in to our new house last year, I was desperately searching for friends.  The first area we lived in when we were married was sheer heaven.  We made so many friends, and have stayed friends with most of them after 10 years.  Then we moved, and there were like two people who were welcoming and nice.  We could not have gotten out of there fast enough.  When we moved the third time, we moved back to the neighborhood where I grew up, and as such I already had built in buddies.  So when we moved this time I was terrified we were going to repeat our second move.  Great news.  It has been like the very first area we lived in, instead.  In my attempt to find friends, I jumped at the chance when a cute gal down the street asked if she could give me a Maskcara makeover.  You can show me spiders and draw a clown nose on me if you want, just be my friend! I know, I know... I hear how desperate it sounds, and I don't care.  She put that creamy makeup on my face, and the heavens opened and angels sang.  You guys... how can changing makeup make you glow? I have no idea, but I swear it does.  As I got in the car after Janelle did my makeup--for no other reason than because I wanted so badly to make friends that I gave in--I took a picture of myself.  And I decided that I looked GOOOOOD.  That picture is found on my most popular blog post to date right HERE. Initially I was not going to give in to ordering this makeup because I thought it was too expensive.  Then, I realized that paying $14 for a highlight really wasn't expensive.  I was already paying $12 with my NYX stuff, and this creamy makeup made me look all kinds of radiant.  Sold.

Here's the deal... I am not, nor will I ever claim to be, a beauty expert.  It's just not in me.  I didn't even shave my legs until junior high, for crying out loud.  Still kinda wish I hadn't started that, but whatever.  Opinions, however... those flow through me like a raging river.  SO, I am going to give you my honest opinion of the Maskcara products, including the tres leches mask.  Remember how I said I wasn't an avid face washer? I may have turned over a new leaf.

My reviews on the makeup are as follows: I'm obsessed.  I do think that the key to making it look great is the correct colors and not using too much of it.  I've seen women wearing this makeup and looking all kinds of cakey and frightening.  Less is more.  I also think you need one of the brushes, although it isn't required.  I love the highlight, contour, illuminator, and blush, and I love that I can fit all of it into one beautiful compact. My skin is insanely dry, so the creamy base is awesome.  LET THE RECORD SHOW that I am not a contour guru.  Like, I think I called Janelle for a good two weeks straight until I figured out how to do it.  And that was even after having a step-by-step pamphlet and YouTube videos. It's fine.  Janelle knows my level of crazy, and she was so patient.  I can put my makeup on lickety split now.  I'm not a big eyeshadow wearer, but I do own a few of their shadows.  They stay put miraculously well, go on smooth, and blend great.  Some of the color options give me hives, but the ones I have are superb. Be warned that if you use the glitter shadow it will first make you look MAGNIFICENT, and second it will set up camp on your face for like 40 days and 40 nights. 

Now... the tres leches.  Milk? Come on.  Milk tastes and smells disgusting, so why would I use it on my face? I'll tell you why! Washing the skin with alkaline soaps--which are most of your face washes--can strip away the protective acid layer on your skin.  That's right, folks.  I did my research.  I keep getting lectured about how I need to take better care of my skin...fine Tara Thueson... I get it! Kidding... we all know I'm borderline stalking her.  Anyway... the tres leches cleanser, toner, and creme removes bacteria from your skin without stripping away that acidic layer or irritating your skin which makes it retain the natural acid, and then replenishes and moisturizes.  I mean, I'm all about stripping and stuff, but maybe not my skin.  Overall, I'm really loving how clean and soft my face feels after using this system, and it's only been a week.  The real question, though... am I faithfully using it? I am.  Confession: I literally keep using it not only because I love how my skin feels, but because I'm obsessed with the packaging and the bottle.  I feel all fancy and high end, and we all know I'm not.  My skin is clean, and I feel like a glam goddess who should be wearing a pure white fuzzy robe with a perfectly coiffed messy bun.  The reality is I'm wearing my thin floral robe that is covered in hair because I shed like a banshee.

If I have intrigued you at all, you can use this link to find out for yourself why this makeup and face wash product is amazing.

No, I don't sell it, nor do I plan to.  I also feel it necessary to say that I will never blog or promote any product without fully honest reviews.  And if you recall, I've got some strong opinions.  You think you can convince me? Send me your crap.


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