You guys sure are suckers for a good home tour. Today I will introduce you to my favorite spot in the house--obviously the master suite. When we designed the home, I knew I wanted one level living, but I also wanted some space from my kids... you know...for serenity purposes. And so I couldn't hear them if they were coughing at night. I am mother of the year. Our bedroom is on the opposite side of the house from my kids, and I. AM. THRILLED about it.

First off, let's discuss a seemingly small detail here. The entrance. My bedroom is right off the kitchen, which happens to be a pretty busy hub at the Hodges' house. I didn't want everyone to be able to see straight into my bedroom while they sat at the kitchen island, so we designed the entrance to conceal the bedroom. Mother. Freaking. Genius. It seems like a minor detail that wasn't intentional, but trust me, it was.
You all thought this post was for your viewing pleasure, didn't you? Too bad! It is also a cry for help. I love my bedroom, but it feels like it is the last place that gets attention. Since it is the place that is seen the least by guests, I tend to allow it to fall to the wayside when it comes to decor. It always bothers me, and I'm ready to do something about it. So as you go through the tour, if you have suggestions for things please send them my way.
Let's start by talking furniture. Dewy and I ordered this furniture ALMOST a decade ago. It has held up well, and I've really liked it. My problem is finding bedding that I like with it. For some reason, I have a really hard time finding bedding to go with my black furniture and grey walls. I did, however, find this new bedding set, AND I LOVE IT. Say hello to all my Amazon finds, people! All the bedding you see is from Amazon, except my flannel sheets which came from Target. I've always been a comforter gal, rather than a duvet, but I caved and bought a duvet and duvet cover and I gotta say... I love the fullness of it all. I'm feeling real good about the color scheme, but I'm lacking the monster minky throw I've had my eye on to complete the ensemble. All in good time. What I really need, is something to hang above my headboard. I've got a slew of old windows, but Dewy is convinced they will fall and decapitate him in his sleep. So... any ideas? I've been hunting for artwork, but nothing is striking my fancy. The lamps and shades came from At Home, the trees are from Amazon, and so are the tree baskets. I'd like to find a massive rug, but again have been coming up short. Help there is appreciated as well.
I want to get some kind of a chair or chaise to go over under the windows--which you will notice are covered with blackout shades because Tyson Thornock is both brave and a blessing. I was so adamant that I was getting plantation shutters on the entire house. Bless you Tyson, for making me listen to you. I'm not set on what I want there, but I know I want something. Ideas are welcome. Also... let's talk about the mirror. I love my mirror, but I have an idea that I want to use it for somewhere else in my house. In it's place, I'd like to find a large mirror with a thin gold frame that sits on a stand. TELL ME WHERE THOSE ARE! I am also on the hunt for some kind of shelving idea for the wall space next to my dresser. I like the idea of industrial looking shelves. You know... the black pipe and wood shelf? Maybe hanging from the ceiling? I don't know. Let's move on...
The master bath. Remember my post about my flooring?! It is finally all fixed, so now I can give you the grand tour! The cabinets were a bit of an argument when Dewy and I designed the space. We agreed on blue--it's my favorite color, ok? judge me!--but the shade of blue was a debate. I gave him this win, and I haven't been mad about it. The storage situation in here is great, and I love the giant drawers down the center. We had them put an outlet in the cabinet that sits on the counter to charge electronic toothbrushes that we don't have, because we are prepared like that. Also, people freak out about my white rugs and towels. I love them. Yes I wash them weekly. Yes they stay white because we are adults and don't tend to roll around in the mud. Usually. Also, the glare is hiding the picture of Dewy and I on the wall. It is a picture of us pulling funny faces that I took randomly on my phone. I love it. Dewy says it makes him uncomfortable when he sits on the toilet. Oh well.
Can we take a minute, though, and admire the tile? Oh. Em. Gee. Code required tile around my freestanding tub so the moisture didn't ruin the wall, and I am not even a little bit mad about that. We carried the tub surround into the master shower and vanity back splash to tie it all together, and I love the way it turned out. The venting option on the glass door of the shower is awesome and allows us to either trap in all the steam, or release it through the top, and the chrome fixtures make everything extra shiny--another reason I will bear my testimony about windex wipes. My freestanding tub and faucet came from home depot, and I love the hand sprayer. My sister thought it was a genius feature for washing a dog. Since no dog will ever find itself in my tub, we will assume it is for washing your hair. My mother was less than impressed with my "get naked" sign. I just wanted to avoid any confusion about dress code.
The master closet is slightly overrun by me. We've all acknowledged it and moved on. In my closet, my favorite features are my jewelry organization, which I put in when Dewy was hunting and consists of knobs from hobby lobby and little hooks. I also love my dresser installed in the back for holding my workout clothes. Shirts in the top drawer, then sports bras, shorts, capris, and pants. I also love the hooks I had put in to hold my coat, purse, and bathrobes. Yes... I have more than one of those. Shocking. The bins up top hold swim suits, bags, and gifts I like to keep on hand for friends. Anyone else watching Marie Kondo? I tried her method of ridding myself of anything in my closet that doesn't bring me joy. Turns out, everything in there brings me joy. Sorry, Marie. You're not getting to this girl! Also, I'm only slightly embarrassed to confess that not all my shoes are in the picture below. Judge away.
Dewy has a little niche in our master closet that he designed himself. He has two stacked hanging racks, a shoe shelf, shelves to hold his basketball shorts, sweats, etc., and an additional hanging rack that holds his golf shorts and his ties. I'm not gonna lie.. he was shorted when it came to the master closet, but I gave him two of the drawers in our bedroom dresser, so I feel like it's fine. He totally gets me.
You all thought this post was for your viewing pleasure, didn't you? Too bad! It is also a cry for help. I love my bedroom, but it feels like it is the last place that gets attention. Since it is the place that is seen the least by guests, I tend to allow it to fall to the wayside when it comes to decor. It always bothers me, and I'm ready to do something about it. So as you go through the tour, if you have suggestions for things please send them my way.
The master bath. Remember my post about my flooring?! It is finally all fixed, so now I can give you the grand tour! The cabinets were a bit of an argument when Dewy and I designed the space. We agreed on blue--it's my favorite color, ok? judge me!--but the shade of blue was a debate. I gave him this win, and I haven't been mad about it. The storage situation in here is great, and I love the giant drawers down the center. We had them put an outlet in the cabinet that sits on the counter to charge electronic toothbrushes that we don't have, because we are prepared like that. Also, people freak out about my white rugs and towels. I love them. Yes I wash them weekly. Yes they stay white because we are adults and don't tend to roll around in the mud. Usually. Also, the glare is hiding the picture of Dewy and I on the wall. It is a picture of us pulling funny faces that I took randomly on my phone. I love it. Dewy says it makes him uncomfortable when he sits on the toilet. Oh well.
Dewy has a little niche in our master closet that he designed himself. He has two stacked hanging racks, a shoe shelf, shelves to hold his basketball shorts, sweats, etc., and an additional hanging rack that holds his golf shorts and his ties. I'm not gonna lie.. he was shorted when it came to the master closet, but I gave him two of the drawers in our bedroom dresser, so I feel like it's fine. He totally gets me.
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